The new album from Ridgley Makins is entitled (FOR THE PEOPLE) if you enjoyed (THE BOOK OF SECRETS) then you are going to love (FOR THE PEOPLE) Ridgley stays with that same feel and then he turns it up a notch. On this album Ridgley shows more versatility in his unique style of music, mixing in his own brand of R&B, Funk, Hip Hop, and that splash of soul that makes Ridgley a joy to listen to. Ridgley Makins is one of the best kept secrets in music bar none. Simply put there are not many artists making meaningful music anymore and Ridgley is one of fineness I have heard in a long time. His first album was in a word great, but I feel this one has the potential to shake up the world. On his first album I was in love with a cut entitled (DIE) and I thought he could not top that, but he did with a song titled (Reject) I’m just going to say wow and let it be, I don’t want to spoil it for you. When this album drops check it out I think you’ll love it I did.