Sunday, April 10, 2011

Leave My Brother Alone

If I hear one more show about this new book on the life of El Hajj Malik Shahbaz (Malcolm X) I'm going slap someone... who cares what (Malcolm little) did before GOD change him... the only reason we know anything about this man is because he was changed... he repented his sins & became El Hajj Malik Shahbaz... it just goes to show GOD can transform anyone & the devils don't like that... they killed the man & now with this new book they are trying to do what they couldn't do when he was alive; they think they can shame the man & put down what he stood for... they are attemping to play down what GOD was able to do in him (El Hajj Malik Shahbaz)... when El Hajj Malik Shahbaz was born (Molcolm Little) died never to be seen angain... friends don't buy this shi+y book that they are using to tare down our RIGHTEOUS brother.... G. Washington 1st prez owned slaves & never repented & you still respect & honor a lap dog of the devil... So what's wrong with respecting a man of GOD... long live El Hajj Malik Shahbaz!!!