Thursday, March 2, 2017

Not This Time

First let me say pussy and dick. I bet you're listening now right? Now that I have lowered myself to speak to you the least could do is rise up to hear me. Millions of liberals made excuses when they saw police shoot my people in the back. They turned a blind eye when the cops choked my brother to death. They cared not when my people where the victims of brutality.
Now because their life styles may be affected or effected they want me and my people to join their cause. They said we should have voted and we are the reason Trump won. We shouldn't even care to be truthful. When ever white people have a problem with white people they want the help of black people. Examples: American Revolution, Civil War, WWI, WWII, The Feminist Movement and many more.
When the system murders innocent black men women and children the liberal are for the most part silent. So now it's my people turn to watch you deal with the system alone. I ask all my people to take a step back and return to your own homes and communities to begin the healing process for our people.These same liberals will turn their backs on us when have what they want from the system.
Examples of their back turning: Slavery. Black laws, Jim Crow laws, Lynchings after WWI & WWII, Destruction of the Black Family after the feminist movement and so much more. I can't begin to list every time the liberals turned on us.This is there fight. Let us return now to the way of our ancestors before we came in contact with them. Let us now turn back to our universal God head and ask him/ her to deliver us from this hell... Let us start the work that will free the next generation from bondage.

Sengbe Ben Yosef