Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Jermaine White Wants To Make You Wealthy

Mr. White is an
excellent human being a good friend to have, father, husband and small business
owner. Now Mr. White wants to show us how to lose some weight, make a few
dollars and maybe even help us change our lives.
Mr. White could
keep all of this knowledge and wealth to himself but that's not the kind of man
he is. When he finds a secret that can help others to live a more productive
life; he goes all in and shares that plan with others.
Mr. White is not
selling you a get rich quick scam he is trying to help to uncover the hidden
life you have always wanted and he is doing so by use your heath; which by the
way is the only real wealth anyone has. Without your health your life is
So what do you have
to lose? Take some time to hear Mr. White's plan and you just may find that
live you have been seeking. I know you don't believe but come give this a try.
You can always walk away but don't do so before you hear what you could be
missing out on. If nothing else you can get your health back on track and live
out the rest of your days in true wealth.
Story by Sengbe Ben
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
How Far Have We Really Come?
How Far Have We Really
When we look at the state of America today
one has to ask in the case of so called black people. How far have we really
come in this country with regards to race and the equitable treatment of all
Americans? Is the so called black American still seen as less of a person or
worse; could it be that in this day and age blacks are still view as inferior?
America has a history steeped in the ill
treatment of people of color. Blacks in particular have been singled out and
have many times had to bear the full brunt of the assault on people of color.
America has never shown any real shame for the way it has treated part of its
population. For a while America did a great job of fooling the world and
tricking the people into believing that it was working to rid itself of its
race problem.
Now it seems we have been duped and have
had the wool pulled over eyes. The softening of outward bigotry and the covert
behind the scenes moves made by the racist and the bigots has been a great
success. It has served to put us all to sleep and a result we lost focus. Sure
there was the occasional outburst by some out of line small minded bigot who
couldn’t see the grand scheme of what was being laid down by the racist powers
that be. But we haven’t seen anything like what we are seeing today in many
For almost 30 years the racist have kept
their true nature under wraps for the most part. Only having as I said the occasional
slip up by some meaningless pawn who isn’t fully aware of their grand plan. Meanwhile
behind closed doors in the halls of power they were making laws to criminalize
the behavior of the suspecting public. With the people in a deep sleep they
plotted away making sure to throw us off by placing the blame on the victims of
I know you have heard the phrase “Playing
the race card”? What does that mean? If someone is being racist against you
shouldn’t you expose them by bringing it to the light? I think not because with
that nifty bit of revers racism they have silenced many of us. They have
trapped us in a box where speaking about racism makes you the racist. Wait a
minute; how did that happen? This is one of the oldest tricks in the dirty
playbook; where you force your victim to disarm out of so type of twisted
Now you’re the one feeling bad about
responding to something that you should respond too. Whenever you are being
attacked by a person who is seeking to do you or your love ones harm you should
respond and only a fool would let something like that go unchecked. In my life
I have never seen the bully just walk away from his victims. Action is required
on the part of the person being bullied to stop the bullies in their tracks.
Now I come to the solution for so called
blacks in America. What can we do to get the so called white man’s foot off our
backs for good? We have marched held hands sang and screamed to the highest mountains
and still we are here trapped. Our ancestors have done everything one can dare
to think but still no respect comes our way. What more can be done? There has
to be something because who can live like this forever? Our people are shot
down like dogs in the streets and where is the justice America claims to have?
America has said to the world over and
over again this is a free nation and a fair nation for all but we see that has
never been true. No matter how many claims she makes America is still the whore
that lies. Knowing this we must now search for new ways and new solutions. We can’t
live off the works of our ancestors any longer. We have invoked their names and
have laid claim to their sacrifices but the work of our own hands is
unrealized. Sons have walked in their father’s footsteps for so long we have forgotten
we have our own feet.
our own feet we must make footsteps that even our father’s thought impossible.
Let us take all that we know of our past and of what we are today and forge a
new day for our people. Let the fathers of today make footsteps and teach their
son to do the same. Let us no long look to our oppressors for approval. We are
our own hope for justice and equality and if we must seek someone for help let
us call upon our God and our ancestor.
Lastly if we have to say black lives
matter then understand you have made yourselves subject to a negotiation where
others have the power to say: black lives don’t matter. We have given this
country power over us long enough. They will never change who they are and our
concern shouldn’t be changing them. Our chief concern should be changing us and
reclaiming what is our right. I tell you it is the right of every man to live
free of oppression and injustice.
Ben Yosef…
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