Friday, March 11, 2011

How to stand when the world is falling down around you

Dear friends I know many of you have faced adverse situations, and in those times it seem your very world was ending. I must admit I have often felt the same way. It’s these moments that will make or break us. How we handle the event, will determine whether, we are able to stand in the face of trouble and uncertainty, or if we will fall down and crumble like clay jars beneath our feet. Once I was in a situation of extreme pressure and, it seemed no matter which way I turned I could not find my footing. One morning while I was lying in bed, it came to me; the problem was not as bad as I had made it out to be. I was so afraid of losing and, I never stop think about the endless possibilities, and the opportunity that the situation gave me. I had over look the fact that the changes didn’t have to be bad and when I began to think of it in this way, a since of hope came over me and I was no longer afraid.
I could lie to you, and say it happened easily, but it did not. I had tossed and turned all-night going over and over all that I feared, torturing myself until finally my mind was exulted and I fell asleep. Sadly my sleep gave me no rest and I began to realize I had no control. So slowly I began to give in, I stop fighting I just let go and I let myself die. Now maybe you can understand or maybe you can’t but I did; I let myself die and in that brief second I understood. I was afraid of death and, my whole life I had been hiding from it, unwilling to face it. Until then I was never alive only existing pretending to be living.
Discovering this made me feel very weak at first, but the more I examined myself, the more I realized, that to admit I am afraid takes courage and it takes even more courage to face your fears head on. So that’s just what I began to do, admit all that I was afraid of. Throughout the morning I would take each fear and look at it closely to see what effect it had on me and why. Also I look at how pass event played in to what I feared. I began to see that these feeling were cultivated mostly by ignorance and the lack of understanding of the true nature of things. 
I guess what I’m saying is most of what we fear is made up, just figments of our imagination. The first lie told to us is that we are in control of our lives, but nothing could be further from the truth, not only do we not control our lives but we have almost no say in the matter from the time we are born until the time we die. I can hear someone saying that bull I control my life, and everything in it, ok whatever helps you get through the day its fine by me.
Now let’s test your theory to see if it holds up under real life situations. Let’s say you are walking along a busy city street and out of no ware a cab jumps the curb and nearly hits you and kills three others. In order for you to be spared tell me what part you controlled in the unforeseen event, when you only had time to turn and see the cab coming at you. Luckily for you the cab drivers delayed reaction caused him to miss you but hit the others. By now some sick person is saying God was looking out for you. And what; he doesn’t care for the others, such foolishness. I hope by now you get the point I’m try to make, that there are numerous calculations that make up our every move in life and there is no way one human can account for it all.
Please don’t think that I’m saying leave it all to chance no that’s not it, what I’m saying is simply this, get in tune with yourself and know that the possibilities are endless and there is no way to know them all. Take this time to experience life except both the good and the bad with the same mind of positivity and no matter what happens you will be fine. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts with you I hope it helps someone. So people today spend some time looking at your life and I'm sure you'll see it’s not that bad. Peaces until next God bless you all.

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