Some folks have been slaves to the American dream so long they never stop to see that it was all lies... Then they get mad at you because you don't want the so called dream anymore... To feel secure in their foolishness they tell you: You're dumb... But really who's the dumb one??? You work 30 or more years to secure another man's dreams; their families are well cared for their children's children will eat off your labor and you can't even pay for the food on your children's table half the time...
I'm sorry but I rather die trying or go hungry struggling than to continue to put money and food on the tables of men who hate me and wish all my kind dead... Men who wouldn't think twice about killing my children to safeguard their own... Something is very wrong in America and it has been since the start... I may not be able to change the world but at least I can change my ways...
I know what some of you may be thinking: Your pride can't feed you... That may be right but finding your pride goes a long way towards saving your soul... So to my people you do what you like and keep begging to get in but for me I going to die trying to build my own... I'm looking for away out of my mess and America has never helped me with that... #SengbeBenYosef
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Help Your People Don't Down Your People
I know I shouldn't but it makes me a little irritated when so called success black people blame the so called ignorant niggers for their shortcomings in this country... They act as if some brother or sister off the block can stop them from entering into a system which they, themselves have no control over... Like these folks are supposed to be the best of our race... They are the so called smartest yet they seem to fall for the same tricks every time...
They are happy standing up on their masters poach; well that is until the system turns on them, then they become one of us again...They have reached the heights they have reached in the world because of the collective struggles of so called black and brown peoples and somehow they blackout(pun intended) to what they went through only a short time ago... They work hand and hand with their masters spreaded lies about our people...
It's with love I say to my successful brothers and sisters it's time you wake up from your dreams of the great assimilation... These are the facts: this country and the people that run it have never allowed any group to come inside their tent... They really don't give a shit about some sectors of their own people so what makes you think they would give a shit about you???
The day has come for you guys to put down your false notions and start using your skills and talents to better your communities... If you feel your people are under educated then take some of your overridge and give back... Don't just write a check come back and build something for the people who loved you when you were nothing...
I read a story that supper producer Doc Dre gave 40 million to USC... Do we understand how many HBUC's this money could have saved??? Think about the number of black colleges that have debts less than a few million... Now think of the number of black college students that came from some of these schools and the number of albums they brought since Doc Dre started... He cloud have save nearly every black college by himself...
To my brother and sister who are in these positions of influence it's time to stop downing your people if you're not going to do anything to pick them up... I love you but I think you guys are missing the big picture... I hope somehow some of you may come across this and share it or add to it some points and solutions of your own... Until next time this was your brother #SengbeBenYosef @DocDre Charles Barkley Oprah Winfrey Bill Cosby Russell Simmons Steven a smith
They are happy standing up on their masters poach; well that is until the system turns on them, then they become one of us again...They have reached the heights they have reached in the world because of the collective struggles of so called black and brown peoples and somehow they blackout(pun intended) to what they went through only a short time ago... They work hand and hand with their masters spreaded lies about our people...
It's with love I say to my successful brothers and sisters it's time you wake up from your dreams of the great assimilation... These are the facts: this country and the people that run it have never allowed any group to come inside their tent... They really don't give a shit about some sectors of their own people so what makes you think they would give a shit about you???
The day has come for you guys to put down your false notions and start using your skills and talents to better your communities... If you feel your people are under educated then take some of your overridge and give back... Don't just write a check come back and build something for the people who loved you when you were nothing...
I read a story that supper producer Doc Dre gave 40 million to USC... Do we understand how many HBUC's this money could have saved??? Think about the number of black colleges that have debts less than a few million... Now think of the number of black college students that came from some of these schools and the number of albums they brought since Doc Dre started... He cloud have save nearly every black college by himself...
To my brother and sister who are in these positions of influence it's time to stop downing your people if you're not going to do anything to pick them up... I love you but I think you guys are missing the big picture... I hope somehow some of you may come across this and share it or add to it some points and solutions of your own... Until next time this was your brother #SengbeBenYosef @DocDre Charles Barkley Oprah Winfrey Bill Cosby Russell Simmons Steven a smith
Friday, October 17, 2014
True Love

Until you have mastered the basic love for the totality of yourself; you should not attempt to be in a relationship... If your are suffering from self doubt hatred and fear; seeking to be in a relationship may only serve to transmit your fears to others... So for the sake of the world do not seek a lover until you have at least a basic love of self...
When I say basic; I don't mean you like yourself... I mean your mind has begun to change and your view of the inner and outer world is seeking love for the purification of the self from the cycles of cyclic existence... When you are seeking to better the world and you are ready to demonstrate a healthy relationship for the benefit of the world... Then you should go forth because you will be building a strong house, so that all may see the true power of love between a man and a woman...
Only after self love is realized should you take a lover because now there will be a higher purpose that will unblock the energy of self and the community of human love... A door will be open for more to enter in to this house of love where peace shall be witnessed as more than a word... It will be the reality of all who have found in themselves true love and then in the world which this love has been has transmitted all will come to know love...
If something I said can be a blessing to you take in and do not be ashamed for it is free... This was yours to begin with and I was only holding it for you... Do not tell anyone I have helped you; but go and tell them that God has made you whole by your faith and your willingness to work for change...
Bless up!!! #SengbeBenYosef
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Reason No Reasons
Man is the only being on earth that defies his instincts in favor of reason... What good is reason when it comes to life??? If you start down the road of reason you can justify all kinds of wickedness... Wars have come because of reasoning and the justification of foolishness... The moment you start looking for reasons to do or not to do, you will always be looking for reasons...
Because of your infatuation with reason you have lost the ability to live a whole life... Everything is subject to reason; the reasons you like people or don't like people... First you make up reasons to like then reasons to dislike... You fall in love and make up reasons to fall out of love... You are tossed about by your reasoning like a ragdoll...
If only you would follow your instincts and the natural formations of things... Then you could be whole and live the fullness of life... If you would examine life closer you would come to see that your instincts outweigh reason by far and your observations will leave nothing to chance... The only people looking for reasons are the people who are unsure of themselves and so they calculate by reasoning pros and cons...
This comfort of reasoning make them feel they are not gambling... Believe me reasoning is always a crap shoot... Reason is not mans blessing it is more like the veil that covers his eyes and leaves him blind to the true solutions that could save his soul... But what do I know??? I don't know but what I have experienced has made suspicious when ever people start talking about reason...
Because of your infatuation with reason you have lost the ability to live a whole life... Everything is subject to reason; the reasons you like people or don't like people... First you make up reasons to like then reasons to dislike... You fall in love and make up reasons to fall out of love... You are tossed about by your reasoning like a ragdoll...
If only you would follow your instincts and the natural formations of things... Then you could be whole and live the fullness of life... If you would examine life closer you would come to see that your instincts outweigh reason by far and your observations will leave nothing to chance... The only people looking for reasons are the people who are unsure of themselves and so they calculate by reasoning pros and cons...
This comfort of reasoning make them feel they are not gambling... Believe me reasoning is always a crap shoot... Reason is not mans blessing it is more like the veil that covers his eyes and leaves him blind to the true solutions that could save his soul... But what do I know??? I don't know but what I have experienced has made suspicious when ever people start talking about reason...
Saturday, October 11, 2014
The Law

For centuries now the law has been the strong arm of the elite ruling class in this country as well as others... They have never been ones to create forces for justice..., Their aim has always been control over the masses... They promote the lie equality to keep the unsuspecting victims of tyranny complicit in their own demise...
The police department of today is the same oppressive force it has always been... So one has to ask: what do they mean when they say they need better training??? Could they be really looking for solution to better police interaction with the citizenry??? Or do they simply mean they need to learn to counsel their heavy handedness better??? I tend to go with the latter statement...
The power elites use the police as a control device as well as a buffer between them and the masses... Could you ever imagine taking orders from those assholes if they didn't have an army of goons willing stomp on anyone if given the command??? No you can't; in fact they would be hard pressed to find a day when some citizen wasn't knee deep in their asses...
I hate to be the one to break this to you but the police in this country will only change when the leadership structure has changed... Until that happens friends don't look for the police to change... They are here to serve and protect the elite ruling class... They are the wall between the power elite and the wrath of the people...
Friday, October 10, 2014
We Will Overcome
My people have been for 400 plus years trying to be apart of this country... Even when it is plain to see we were not wanted here we still try to fit in... This country does not want us here just face it... We must begin to finish the work of men like Marcus Garvey... The only way the world will respect us again is if we build our own...
We tried building here before in places like Tulsa Oklahoma and for our efforts to be self sufficient this country repaid us by burning us out... Even though this history is well documented there are still talking heads that suggest that some how my people are lazy and we don't try hard... When a so called black person is seen above a certain social status in this country the system works extra hard to make sure the man/woman (nigger) doesn't get to uppity...
Now one has to ask the question: What is it that we are supposed do in this nation??? They don't want us here yet they need us here to keep their blood sucking economy going... Really what are we to do, when we live in a nation that says pull yourself up by your bootstraps but when you do they punch you in the face... 99% of my people work hard to get the little scraps they have only to be met with scorn and disrespect...
It took me some time but now I see that our only way out is through faith in God and hard work... We must devise a plan to separate ourselves from the infrastructure of corporate slavery... This nation was founded on slavery and it has never changed... We must find ways to get out of the slave relationships we have with this nation... No longer can it be acceptable for us to languish in these nefarious understandings... Where we are the butt of every joke...
The civil war wasn't fought to free any of us from slavery; it was to redefine slavery... They now have slaves of every creed and color... In fact they have people claiming over top of one another to be the next slave in line... They having willing participants in their own destruction... We can no longer afford the luxury of self hate... To my people I say we have made them rich enough they have more than 400 year of free labor from us... I say we shouldn't give them a moment more...
We have over 300 billion in buying power and countless amounts of skill and talent in every field of life... Let us redirect those resources for the good of our people... Take your dollars and spend as many as you can in your own businesses... We don't have to start big we can gradually progress until we own the factor farms and lands needed to sustain our own...
You may only be able to start by selling clothing but don't stop there; keep selling until you have enough to start designing... Keep it going until you have enough for factories... Then get land to harvest the resources needed for every product you sell... Ultimately you will be in the position to change your community and the way your people are viewed...
This is not about them... This is about our survival as a people... If we don't do something soon there won't a community to call home for our kind... I want to believe we can change and I still have the greatest hope that God is not done with us yet... I may not see these things I speak of in my lifetime but I know for sure that they will come to pass... My people will be restored to their former glory and world will be brought back to balance...
We tried building here before in places like Tulsa Oklahoma and for our efforts to be self sufficient this country repaid us by burning us out... Even though this history is well documented there are still talking heads that suggest that some how my people are lazy and we don't try hard... When a so called black person is seen above a certain social status in this country the system works extra hard to make sure the man/woman (nigger) doesn't get to uppity...
Now one has to ask the question: What is it that we are supposed do in this nation??? They don't want us here yet they need us here to keep their blood sucking economy going... Really what are we to do, when we live in a nation that says pull yourself up by your bootstraps but when you do they punch you in the face... 99% of my people work hard to get the little scraps they have only to be met with scorn and disrespect...
It took me some time but now I see that our only way out is through faith in God and hard work... We must devise a plan to separate ourselves from the infrastructure of corporate slavery... This nation was founded on slavery and it has never changed... We must find ways to get out of the slave relationships we have with this nation... No longer can it be acceptable for us to languish in these nefarious understandings... Where we are the butt of every joke...
The civil war wasn't fought to free any of us from slavery; it was to redefine slavery... They now have slaves of every creed and color... In fact they have people claiming over top of one another to be the next slave in line... They having willing participants in their own destruction... We can no longer afford the luxury of self hate... To my people I say we have made them rich enough they have more than 400 year of free labor from us... I say we shouldn't give them a moment more...
We have over 300 billion in buying power and countless amounts of skill and talent in every field of life... Let us redirect those resources for the good of our people... Take your dollars and spend as many as you can in your own businesses... We don't have to start big we can gradually progress until we own the factor farms and lands needed to sustain our own...
You may only be able to start by selling clothing but don't stop there; keep selling until you have enough to start designing... Keep it going until you have enough for factories... Then get land to harvest the resources needed for every product you sell... Ultimately you will be in the position to change your community and the way your people are viewed...
This is not about them... This is about our survival as a people... If we don't do something soon there won't a community to call home for our kind... I want to believe we can change and I still have the greatest hope that God is not done with us yet... I may not see these things I speak of in my lifetime but I know for sure that they will come to pass... My people will be restored to their former glory and world will be brought back to balance...
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