On Protest: I often wonder if people know that the elites are fully in control of your protest and in fact they provoke you to protest so they can begin their work on the new slave system... They do it to keep you unaware of their new mission to reform slavery and make it better... Soon after they provoke you they come in with their agents to give you symbolic victories to put you back to sleep...
Some ask why are you not in the streets with the people if you want change??? To that I say this: I don't need Al Sharpton to take me to protest by permit on a Saturday of all days... Protesting to empty government buildings...That is just a waste of time... No thanks; you go ahead and protest I'm just going to keep building something and finding ways to free myself...
Real protest doesn't need a permit and revolution is action follow by real solutions... Don't get me wrong I have a great deal of respect for those who take to the streets and protest... I just believe it's an old strategy that has been successfully shut down by the elites... Sure you go out and let off some steam but in the end what happens??? Nothing; you settle down after a while and they come in with solutions that lead you nowhere...
I read a book once that said: If you allow your enemy to pick the grounds of war you have all but sealed your fate... One does not fight the enemy on their terms... Victory is giving to the one who sets the grounds of war... Fight only when victory is won first and you will always take your enemy by surprise... We need to rethink our battle plans and learn other ways of taking our enemy down... In some cases there have been wars that have been won without taking to the field... The master simply allows the enemy to fall apart from worry... If they know you every move they don't have to worry but when you change up they are weak...
I just thought I would share this little thought of mine and hopefully get people think about more than protesting in the streets... Maybe I could get them to see we can find new ways to get what we want... Ways that are just as effective and maybe more powerful than we can imagine... This has been a word from your brother Sengbe Ben Yosef... Peace to you until peace comes for us all... Bless up!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
The New Album From Sengbe Ben Yosef
new album from Sengbe Ben Yosef aka Ridgley Makins is out now. The title of the
project is only available on his site for now, so if you want to take a peek
you have to see it there. He is under a different name but the music
is still some of the best I've heard. Sengbe always delivers the goods. The
music is dope and lyrics are progressive and insightful. This project is all
rebel music even the song “Be Loved” a single on the album is a hard hitting
track. It has a smooth tone and tempo but the lyrics are powerful and deep. If you know social media then you will fully
get “Be Loved”.
Sengbe has given us twelve more tracks from his collection
and it’s some of the best R&B Soul and Hip Hop I have heard in a good
little while. His sound is unique in every way. Just when you think you know him, he turns
around and drops something like “Truth” another song I really love on this
album. The music on “Truth” is straight dope and even though Sengbe is a soul
singer at heart this track will have Mc’s looking over their shoulders and
wondering if Sengbe is out there.
The Neo-Soul tracks
on the album are great but I really think you will be pleasantly surprised by
how good the Hip Hop tracks are on the album. All in all I have to say it’s a
winner for me. This is the kind of creativity the industry needs right now,
with everyone damn near sounding the same Sengbe Ben Yosef is a breath of fresh
air. Friends please take a break from the industry clones and drop in on an
amazing artist who just wants to be heard.
After you listen take time to support this guy and let’s keep him doing
what he does because we really need artist like him.
Remember the album
is “RIDGLEY MAKINS IS DEAD”. It is the first under the name Sengbe Ben Yosef
and if you want to hear his earlier work look him up on the major retailers
under the name Ridgley Makins on Itunes, Amazon, etc. You won’t be sorry you
took time to check him out. He also has a nice interview on the home page of
his website. Check him out. www.musicbysengbe.com
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Stop The Purge
Hello Friends!!! I don't know if people are aware but what's happening right now??? This is nothing new... At the turn of every of every century since the so called American country (corporation) began, there has been purges of so called black and brown people... Starting with Columbus in 1492; you don't have to believe me just go check the history books... I know they have many lies in them but there is one thing that the elitist can't help but do and that is to gloat over their conquest of the so called black and brown peoples of the world...
Don't get me wrong I know they have done injustices to other group... Some elitist have even massacred members in their own racial groups and homelands... That goes without saying...They are a sadistic and psychotic sort that would kill their own mother to keep from sharing power... But it would be ignorant of me to say the least if I didn't point out that they have reserved the worst of their hatred for humanity for the so called black and brown peoples of the earth... Yes; they kill their own but not with the vigor they do; when they set out to kill the descendants of the Originals; the so called black and brown people of the earth...
No other place had seen the amount suffering that Africa had seen until America came along... You can make all the connections for yourself with just a little research of the history of the origins of America... As I said earlier they put lies in the stories but the truth is there if you push passed the lies... So I won't waste your time telling you the stories step by step; that's something you can do... Getting back to my point... The system founded by the American elitist is one of the cruelest systems of human destruction ever... It has come about through horrifying means... They savagely murder the so called black and brown people who were here long before the elitist set sail... Yes a great deal of the people here were so called black and brown but that's another subject for a later time...
Now let's look back to the 1880's -1900's and compare it the recent turn of the century from 1980's -2000... When we do we can see a lot of similarities in the actions of the elites... After slavery was put on hold and the so called Indian wars were momentarily stopped... So called black and brown people began to recover from there oppression and begin to make a new life for themselves... The elite could not have that because this lead to unrest among their own group whom they had continued to oppress in their own way... So to take focus off them the elites began to tell the members of their group that the reason things were so bad for them is because of the drain the so called blacks and browns were putting on the system... Sound familiar??? Well it should because it's happening now... okay I think you get it... Now back to the story...
The elites began to form fake campaigns that started troubles for so called black and brown people who had been working hard to put themselves up from slavery and the aftermath of genocide... The elitist accomplished two things with this move... One, they took focus off of them and two, they were free to devise plans for the new slavery; were everyone would be enslaved under same umbrella...
These actions by the elites brought about tensions among the races and by 1900 the theme of race riots had become commonplace in America... The elites agreed to let lawless action by their people go unpunished and gave them a pass to purge the country of the undesirable groups in the country... This kept the unsuspecting members of their race happy and it also gave them someone else to vent their anger on as opposed to the power elite who they were originally angry with... This lead to senseless attacks on the so called black and brown people both on and off the reservations...
Meanwhile the elites were free to put the cap stone on their goals of ruling over all the nation and soon the world... Does this sound like something you have heard or seen before??? That's because it is the very same game they are running on us now... Like our ancestors we have missed the point completely... The elites have set the purge of the people up again and we just don't get... While we are focused on the violence and hate they are planning a way to rule over us all perminity... We better wake up and redirect our focus or we will miss our chance to break free of the power elite and their plans to set themselves up as gods...
In closing I want to appeal to so called black and brown people to learn the history of the purges that have taken place in America and the world so that you may be in a better position to defend yourselves from the madness that has been injected into the minds of so called white folks... This sick that is brought on them by the ruling classes and used as a tool to enslave us all... Also I call to my so called white brothers to stop allowing yourselves to be used by the power elites... They have about as much care for you as they do for so called black and brown peoples... Their only hope is that you will hold the line on the mind set they have forced on you... No one is born a racist and so called black and brown people aren't trying to take anything from you because those of us who have understanding see you are getting screwed over as well... So to all decent minded human beings who wish to live in peace I say let's put an end to the power elites and their grip on our lives... The way is to stop the purges and focus on them and their actions...
Thank you for reading and may God bless those who are willing to stand for humanity... We are the 99% and together we are the world... When you find yourselves feeling like you are alone remember; we are more than they could ever be because WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!
I love you #Sengbe Ben Yosef
Don't get me wrong I know they have done injustices to other group... Some elitist have even massacred members in their own racial groups and homelands... That goes without saying...They are a sadistic and psychotic sort that would kill their own mother to keep from sharing power... But it would be ignorant of me to say the least if I didn't point out that they have reserved the worst of their hatred for humanity for the so called black and brown peoples of the earth... Yes; they kill their own but not with the vigor they do; when they set out to kill the descendants of the Originals; the so called black and brown people of the earth...
No other place had seen the amount suffering that Africa had seen until America came along... You can make all the connections for yourself with just a little research of the history of the origins of America... As I said earlier they put lies in the stories but the truth is there if you push passed the lies... So I won't waste your time telling you the stories step by step; that's something you can do... Getting back to my point... The system founded by the American elitist is one of the cruelest systems of human destruction ever... It has come about through horrifying means... They savagely murder the so called black and brown people who were here long before the elitist set sail... Yes a great deal of the people here were so called black and brown but that's another subject for a later time...
Now let's look back to the 1880's -1900's and compare it the recent turn of the century from 1980's -2000... When we do we can see a lot of similarities in the actions of the elites... After slavery was put on hold and the so called Indian wars were momentarily stopped... So called black and brown people began to recover from there oppression and begin to make a new life for themselves... The elite could not have that because this lead to unrest among their own group whom they had continued to oppress in their own way... So to take focus off them the elites began to tell the members of their group that the reason things were so bad for them is because of the drain the so called blacks and browns were putting on the system... Sound familiar??? Well it should because it's happening now... okay I think you get it... Now back to the story...
The elites began to form fake campaigns that started troubles for so called black and brown people who had been working hard to put themselves up from slavery and the aftermath of genocide... The elitist accomplished two things with this move... One, they took focus off of them and two, they were free to devise plans for the new slavery; were everyone would be enslaved under same umbrella...
These actions by the elites brought about tensions among the races and by 1900 the theme of race riots had become commonplace in America... The elites agreed to let lawless action by their people go unpunished and gave them a pass to purge the country of the undesirable groups in the country... This kept the unsuspecting members of their race happy and it also gave them someone else to vent their anger on as opposed to the power elite who they were originally angry with... This lead to senseless attacks on the so called black and brown people both on and off the reservations...
Meanwhile the elites were free to put the cap stone on their goals of ruling over all the nation and soon the world... Does this sound like something you have heard or seen before??? That's because it is the very same game they are running on us now... Like our ancestors we have missed the point completely... The elites have set the purge of the people up again and we just don't get... While we are focused on the violence and hate they are planning a way to rule over us all perminity... We better wake up and redirect our focus or we will miss our chance to break free of the power elite and their plans to set themselves up as gods...
In closing I want to appeal to so called black and brown people to learn the history of the purges that have taken place in America and the world so that you may be in a better position to defend yourselves from the madness that has been injected into the minds of so called white folks... This sick that is brought on them by the ruling classes and used as a tool to enslave us all... Also I call to my so called white brothers to stop allowing yourselves to be used by the power elites... They have about as much care for you as they do for so called black and brown peoples... Their only hope is that you will hold the line on the mind set they have forced on you... No one is born a racist and so called black and brown people aren't trying to take anything from you because those of us who have understanding see you are getting screwed over as well... So to all decent minded human beings who wish to live in peace I say let's put an end to the power elites and their grip on our lives... The way is to stop the purges and focus on them and their actions...
Thank you for reading and may God bless those who are willing to stand for humanity... We are the 99% and together we are the world... When you find yourselves feeling like you are alone remember; we are more than they could ever be because WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!
I love you #Sengbe Ben Yosef
Friday, December 5, 2014
The Album By Sengbe Ben Yosef
This project is the latest work from R&B Soul and Hip Hop
artist Sengbe Ben Yosef aka Ridgley Makins. This is the 6th album from Ridgley
Makins but it is the first album under the new name Sengbe Ben Yosef.
Sengbe Ben Yosef is the elevated being of Ridgley Makins. So Ridgley Makins must die to make room for the new spirit of rebel music and rising from the ashes of Ridgley Makins is Sengbe Ben Yosef and this music is the murder of the mind set of Ridgley Makins and all that came with him.
This is "Ridgley Makins Is Dead"...
Dear Officer
Dear Mr/Miss police officer; the 1% have put you on the front lines while they provoke the people... What does that tell you??? It should tell you that they don't give a damn what happens to you... They are willing to feed you to the peoples anger weather you are a good cop or bad cop...
Speaking of which... Are you good cops, who are decent human beings going to allow these manipulators at the top; to sway you to put your life and values on the line for some trash that shouldn't be in the family of cops??? Is that why you joined the force to become an organized criminal???
Be a Man/Woman stand up for justice like you said you would... Protect the constitution and the people it gives right to... The elites are using you as a shield to protect them from the peoples wrath... If you think this is about some dead black men and that is the only reason people have taken to the streets you are sadly underestimating the peoples rage...
People are in the streets because they fed up with the whole system and you will be at risk for what??? Some elitist asshole who sits in his tower and watches as you are fed to the peoples anger... Don't be silly don't throw away you good name for this scum... They are your true enemies... The elites are the enemies of us all... It doesn't matter race creed color or position; they hate you too...
The people have been robbed thrown off their jobs and had their homes taking away and now the system has turned to killing it's citizen... The people have given over their jobs and homes without too much of a fight, but no one is going to give up their lives without a fight... So Mr / Miss cop it's up to you to pick now... Will you be on the right side or will you hold the wall for men who use you???
If this is the last stand on this planet for humanity let it be said that people worked hand and hand to beat back oppression... And let it also be said that the C.O.P. (Citizen On Patrol ) stood with the people to save our humanity from the elitist trash who tried to murder us all...
Even we lose you Mr / Miss officer you would have taken a noble stand and you would have lived out the true meaning of your post as protector and servant of the people... Will you be written down as the cowards of the peoples revolution or the hero??? That I leave up to you... #SengbeBenYosef
Speaking of which... Are you good cops, who are decent human beings going to allow these manipulators at the top; to sway you to put your life and values on the line for some trash that shouldn't be in the family of cops??? Is that why you joined the force to become an organized criminal???
Be a Man/Woman stand up for justice like you said you would... Protect the constitution and the people it gives right to... The elites are using you as a shield to protect them from the peoples wrath... If you think this is about some dead black men and that is the only reason people have taken to the streets you are sadly underestimating the peoples rage...
People are in the streets because they fed up with the whole system and you will be at risk for what??? Some elitist asshole who sits in his tower and watches as you are fed to the peoples anger... Don't be silly don't throw away you good name for this scum... They are your true enemies... The elites are the enemies of us all... It doesn't matter race creed color or position; they hate you too...
The people have been robbed thrown off their jobs and had their homes taking away and now the system has turned to killing it's citizen... The people have given over their jobs and homes without too much of a fight, but no one is going to give up their lives without a fight... So Mr / Miss cop it's up to you to pick now... Will you be on the right side or will you hold the wall for men who use you???
If this is the last stand on this planet for humanity let it be said that people worked hand and hand to beat back oppression... And let it also be said that the C.O.P. (Citizen On Patrol ) stood with the people to save our humanity from the elitist trash who tried to murder us all...
Even we lose you Mr / Miss officer you would have taken a noble stand and you would have lived out the true meaning of your post as protector and servant of the people... Will you be written down as the cowards of the peoples revolution or the hero??? That I leave up to you... #SengbeBenYosef
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