Friday, January 15, 2016

The Bullhorn of Hatred

The Bullhorn of Hatred
America Backs a Coward
Sengbe Ben Yosef

Since the presidential election of 2008 there has been something wicket brewing in the United States of America. It seems we are returning to familiar sentiments of race hate that has been for a long while hidden in the background of the American political landscape. Racism has always been a part of American politics but for a short while from the 1970’s until 2008 our country seemed to be headed in the right direction with regard to the people’s acceptance of the outward racism or hate speech towards others. Now days it seems more Americans are tolerable of hate speech's, and actions of hate that are perpetrated on the undesirables of our nation (Blacks Browns and poor Whites). Mainly, the acceptances hate speeches that are directed at so called black and brown people has gain favor as of late. Mostly because of men like Donald Trump who say the most disgusting things about people of color.
  One can’t help but think the election of Barack Obama has a lot to do with this resurgence of hate in our nation. Maybe Mr. Obama being elected was the last straw for many closet racist who have been waiting in the shadows for an opportunity to turn this slow burning fire of racial hatred up to full blast. I don’t know for sure if that is the true but, with all of the hate that has been handed down over the last few years it sure as hell feels that way. You may feel different about what caused this up tic in racial bitterness, but for me I see Obama’s presidency as catalyst for the emergence of Donald Trump and the views he puts forth to the American people.

In my mind Donald Trump has proven himself to be a clown and a buffoon, while at the same time it is also clear to me that Mr. Trump is no fool. In his bid for president Trump has set out on the same path that many men before him have walked upon in their bid to hold the office of president of the United States. Men like George Wallace and Ronald Reagan come to mind when I listen to Trump speak. All though some claim Wallace was a repenting racist at the end of his life I still see shades of his early days in our present candidate Donald Trump. I wasn’t around in the Wallace days so I could only go by what I saw on film.  However I did get to hear Reagan’s comments about coming to my hometown Washington DC and getting rid of those young bucks and welfare queens.   

Trump seems to be the bullhorn for the new age racist. In fairness I must say Trump claims not to be a racist but dam he sure sounds like one. When he started his campaign, a lot of people wrote him off as a joke and said he was just grandstanding and he didn’t have a chance in hell. They really didn’t understand how Trump was going to play the game. At his first press conference he made it clear that he was going to play the race card to the max. Foolish folks said that in this day and age that wouldn’t fly with the American public. They believed Americans would never go for that kind of politics but they were all so wrong. Just goes to show how blind people have become to the history of racism and the history of successful racist politics in America. Maybe Donald does indeed have a chance in hell; yes the hell that has become America.
  We can’t lay all of the blame at Mr. Trump’s feet because we must acknowledge there are a lot of folks in America that identify with the message of racial intolerance that Donald is putting out to the public. I don’t know why people act all surprised when his rallies are over flowing with people because what he is saying is what a lot of so called white Americans feel, and live by in their every day lives. Now he is indeed playing to their emotions and sickness just as the democrats play to people of color when they use Mr. Trump as a lighting rod to get our votes. The people falling for the demarcates line of bull are just as blind as the folks on the opposing side. Donald Trump is giving them forum to express the hate they already felt in their hearts. My concern is most of these ignorant people don’t understand he is playing them and he is stocking the fire for his own self-interest.

  What Mr. Trump is engaged in is very dangerous for our nation and just as irresponsible as anything I could think of in this life. For his ego he is willing to risk what little gains this country has made in the area of race and equality. Yes Trump has become the symbol of all that is wrong in the world but I’m not upset with him as much because what do you expect from a spoiled little rich boy who has never had to work for a thing in his life. On the other hand I am very disappointed in my fellow countrymen who would allow such a poser to rule over your good sense. We are letting a windbag with a bullhorn turn us back in this country hundreds of years. Why is this happening because we are supremely afraid to face once and for all the beast that is racism.
  America started as a racist cowardly nation and it looks like that’s the way she wants to end. I feel sad in my heart that there are still people in the world who believe the lie of racism, but I am really ashamed of the fact that people of good mindset and noble thinking are unable to puck the bullhorn from the hands of these weak minded men like Trump. Men who would destroy us all for the sake of having ex-president of the United States on their resumes. Donald Trump is only one man but the reflection of his ideology live in the hearts of many Americans. I wish it wasn’t so, but at least now we can own up to it and hopefully do something about it before our world is lost forever. Stand up for the world and the entire human race say something. Let’s not let dumb Donald be the death of us all.

  Mr. Trump says “America needs to be great again” but I say she was never as great as she could be if we would only rid ourselves of all our divisions. For many Americans, America has never reached her greatness because of the shame of slavery, racism, and oppression that has always held her back. America has a chance to achieve greatness but, she never will as long as we allow rich men to play the race card and divide us all. I think it’s time we give the bullhorn back to men and women of good standing and stand up against bigots, racist and the elitist who’s only desire is to control us. So they play black against white, young against old, and haves against have-nots, until we are all defiled and wicket. We are better than this, let's show them now once and for all that they will not rule our minds with this lie of racism. There is only race the human race and neither rich elitist or dumb Donald can change that fact.        

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