Saturday, November 26, 2016

Indifferent to Suffering

If you are indifferent to the suffering of people because of their race creed color or lifestyle choices then you are a fool and you are not fit to be called human. All too often people turn their backs on other people who are suffering because of deep seeded hate that has been taught to them by ignorant people in their lives. Many of these people don't even know a single person who is different from them. They allow their ignorance to rule the day. These people live in a bubble and they have never been brave enough to test theory against the real world. They are cowards who hide in their comfort zone of hate and intolerance.

What I'm saying should come as no surprise for those of us who because of race creed color or lifestyle choices have had to live in the darkness of hatred and oppression. Now I may not agree with every life choice a person makes but I am not removed from caring for those who suffer simply because they don't live as I do or form their thinking to match my own. I feel every human being is worthy of the compassion and love of the human family. I believe it is cowardly to bar people from human rights because I don't like them or I hold some personal bigotry in my own heart. Each person deserves to have their humanity respected even if that person does not deserve your respect personally. Personal respect is earned but respect for all of God's creations is a mandate handed down by God almighty.

Many in the human family have taken it upon themselves to declare that they somehow are more deserving of human rights than any others groups in our great human family. How absurd is the notion that your skin color somehow affords you more rights on this planet? To have the idea that your skin alone should give you more access to liberty justice equality and happiness than other races or groups of people is in itself a deep form mental sickness. This sickness must be wiped from the earth completely or mankind will be doomed to an existence of war. The cowardliness of hatred bigotry and racism must die if we as a species hope to survive. We are now at a pivotal time in human history, a time that may very well be our last stand as humans. I fear will be destroyed if we don't change our ways.

I write to you not to try to convince you because we all know the facts. We all understand that racism sexism bigotry and class warfare is wrong even if some of us don't admit it openly we know in our hearts it's wrong. Many are too cowardly to face their fears about race religion and sexual orientation. They would rather reach for hate than to be courageous enough to look in their own hearts. They would rather seek out division than to find common ground that could heal the divide. They choose intolerance over understanding. If people of good nature do not stand against this now then most likely living in the last days of hope of the human family living in peace. It's time for every human to decide which side they will be fighting on. Will you fight for equality and justice or will you watch as we waste away?

Sengbe Ben Yosef ©2016

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