Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Honoring Soldiers

Happy Veterans day to my dad a soldier who served during the Vietnam era... This country never truly helped or care for the soldiers of that era and the same is true for the soldiers of today...  We should be ashamed of ourselves today... We allow the misuse of the American soldier for many years and we have the nerve to act as if we care...

Soldiers who served this nation are returning to find no help from their government... They have been used as meat for the grinder so that rich men may line their pockets and feed their empty desires... We let them turn noble warriors into a band of henchmen for corporate interest... Then we stand today all puffed up and proud because our soldiers have competed another murder campaign on the poor people of the world...

How could we allow our sons and daughters to be used up this way??? Yet we claim to honor them... What honor is shown to your soldiers when your government puts them in harms way for company profit??? Then most of us don't even have the decency to call our government to task for the way it neglects our warriors when they return home...

If soldiers fight in an unjust war it is not their failure alone it is also the failure of the government and it's people...  I have the greatest respect for the men and women of the nations armed services and I just wish our government would have the same respect for these people who brave the front lines so that we can live in this nation...

I'm not trying to a damper on the day I just thought it would be a good time to talk about the subject because today's focus is soldiers... So while we are thinking of soldiers let also think of ways to end useless war and the misuse of warriors one of our greatest assets... Bless Up!!!  #SengbeBenYosef

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