Thursday, November 6, 2014

I hope this message reaches you

They say don't worry Ebola is only killing dirty Africans in three small countries... Maybe our people are just plain dumb... How many of you remember the start of AIDS and all the wrong information the CDC and the government put out there??? Remember they said: AIDS was a so called gay cancer and the rest of us had nothing to worry about... So we had no compassion for so called gay people and we went about our business like nothing was going on... I don't agree with the so called gay life style but I still care if people are dying...

So we look away when people we don't like are dying but later we find that the people putting AIDS out there had a plan to mislead people from the truth about AIDS in order to kill millions of people... And who are those people??? They are so called black and brown people from all over the world... because of our blindness no one ever stop to ask why the outbreak of AIDS was so high in Africa and the inner cities of America???  Especially given the fact that the CDC and the government were saying it was a so called gay thing...

Later CDC and the government would retract their earlier stories and give some crap about African monkeys... A story I believe they came up with to keep folks from asking to many questions...Then boom an explosion of AIDS in places like Africa and Brazil... The inner cities didn't fare to well either... The lies that came from the CDC and the government killed millions of people who may have been able to protect themselves had they known the truth... I think that was the point of there misinformation campaign...

Now AIDS is officially branded a black and brown epidemic and the world looked away again and to date over 30 million have die because we trusted the news media and the government... I fear it is happening again with Ebola... We are starting to look away at the start of another campaign to kill people of color... I would hope our people would not look away so easily because it seems we are the targets of these germ warfare attacks...

I know it's easy to duck your head in the sand and act as if you don't see but we can't afford to overlook anything and we most certainly are not in position to trust anything they tell us,,, Plus if your heads in the sand, your ass is in the air and I guess that's kool if you like to getting fucked... LOL... Gotta laugh to keep from crying... Okay; now back to my point...

We need to start asking the hard questions of the CDC and government... Questions like: How come you had drugs on hand to save so called white Doctors and none to save people of color; including our brother in Texas??? Yet you seem to have no problem saving other people of other ethnic groups...

Also other questions come to mind: Why didn't they make more of these drugs???Is there some kind of special ingredients that they can reproduce??? LOL... Like for real people you can't see what's happening here??? They have a drug on hand that saves so called whites but for people of color forget it... We can't that blind can we???

Oh and how come the media isn't asking any questions about Ebola??? They seem to be, being spoon fed what to say... I mean if an undereducated guy like me can come up with these questions; you mean to tell me can't none of those smart people can't think of these things??? But really why do I care because my people love dying for no reason... We have such a slack attitude about everything these days... We better wake up soon the game is in the four quarter and we are way behind...

Someone said why do you do this??? No one is listening... I say maybe someone is so I write these things in the hope of reaching just one... For me that's good enough reason and all the justification I need... I'm not a rich man if I were I would spend every dollar I had trying to save my people from this hell... But I have only these words... Where I'm from you take what you have and go as hard as you can until you're dead or until you get to where you're going...

I hope this message reaches you in time... #SengbeBenYosef Bless up!!!!

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